
East Building Reopening

National Gallery of Art
Between 3rd and 9th Streets along Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
September 30, 2016 – ongoing


Newly completed renovations to the National Gallery of Art’s East Building have added 12,250 square feet of new exhibition space, including two tower galleries and a rooftop terrace, all dedicated to the Gallery’s growing collection of modern and contemporary art. Planning for the expansion began in 1968, and has made use of a site set aside by founder Andrew W. Mellon in the 1930s. In celebration of the institution’s 75th anniversary, and in recognition of new acquisitions to its collection, the expanded and reinstalled East Building opens to the public on September 30 with an exhibition that includes Truitt’s 1963 work Insurrection.


For more info visit: National Gallery of Art